
Sunday School
During the school year, Sunday School for children and adults of all ages is held before the morning service at 9:30 am.

During Sunday school and Sunday services there is childcare for ages 0 to 3 provided by church volunteers. Children’s ministries are operated under a Plan 2 Protect framework.

Prayer Meetings
Our midweek time of prayer is held on Wednesdays at 7 pm at the church and is open to all ages. On the last day of the month regional prayer meetings are hosted in homes across Lambton County.

Youth Group
On the first and third Fridays of each month at 7 pm, kids in Grade 6 to 12 get together for prayer, teaching and games.

Ladies' Bible Study
Every other Tuesday, women in the church meet together for study and fellowship with one another.

Men's Bible Study
Every other Tuesday evening at 7 pm, men in the church get together for discussion and encouragement from the Word and each other.

Doctrine On The Deck
Once a week in the summer, ladies get together to discuss a book or the Bible on the patio.